In the aftermath of the Rahul Raj incident, wherein a gun-wielding youth was shot dead by Mumbai police, Maharashtra Home Minister RR Patil had this to say: "Those who take the law in their own hands will be dealt with in the same way".
Well Mr. Patil, in that case, perhaps tomorrow morning we should be reading
- About the Mumbai Police shooting MNS activists, beginning with their chief, the honorable Mr. Raj Thackeray?
- About the Mumbai Police shooting the famed Mumbai underworld dons to death?
- About Mumbai police shooting the corrupt politicians?
- About Mumbai police shooting YOU - since in issuing such a statement, you have taken the law in your own hands as well?
Mr. Patil, please do not give us this hypocritical, politically-motivated, i-wanna-save-my-rear bullshit. I do not want to opine on whether the Mumbai police was or was not justified in shooting Rahul Raj. My point is - why one set of rules for MNS and a different set for others?
Any answers , Honorable Mr. RR Patil?