"Naah. Voting is such a headache. Not only is the process of enrolling myself such a pain, deciding who to vote for is a bigger hassle. I'd rather not vote."
"Oh come on now. If I don't bend a few traffic rules now and then, I'll spend my entire life on the road."
"Of course - I simply had to ride on the footpath that time. Everyone else was doing so."
"Yep - I bribed that policeman once; and this other time I bribed a Govt official. How else does one get any work done?"
"They're getting ahead of us? No, we shouldn't allow that to happen. We must pull them down somehow"
So, basically we don't want to vote, we don't want to maintain integrity in our daily lives, we are okay if we bribe our way through, we don't want to set aside petty differences and unite for the larger good; but we somehow expect the "whomsoever it may concern" to just magically put an end to this terror nonsense?
Wow! My hypocrisy meter just burnt and reduced to ashes.