There is a popular dialogue in the Amitabh Bachhan-starrer Bollywood movie - Hum. It goes like this:
इस दुनिया में दो तरह के कीडे होते हैं - एक गन्दी नाली का कीडा और एक समाज का कीडा. गन्दी नाली के कीडे के लिए बाज़ार में spray मिलता है .. लेकिन समाज के कीडे के लिए कोई spray नहीं है.
[Literal Translation: Two types of cockroaches exist in this world - one which breed in gutters; and the other society-bred. The gutter-pests can be controlled by sprays available in the market. However, no such extermination means are available for the societal worms]
Its interesting how this dialog relates to the corporate world. Here's my adaptation of the same:
इस दुनिया में mistakes के दो कारण होते हैं - एक Inexperience से उभरने वाला; और एक incompetence से उगने वाला. पहले तरह के mistake को सुधारा जा सकता है; लेकिन दूसरी तरह की गलती के लिए कोई इलाज नहीं है.
[Translation: In this world, mistakes may occur for 2 reasons:
- Out of Inexperience
- Out of Incompetence
I wonder by what magnitude it would benefit the nation as a whole if the incompetent lot were weeded out - both from the government circles and equally importantly; from the corporate world.
हिन्दी के डायलॉग को अंग्रजी में ठीक तरह से बताया है पर हिन्दी में कुछ और क्यों नहीं लिखतीं।
I came across your blog by chance...
Nice posts...Congratulations
Keep Going
this is where the Qs of relativity come in rite. wat is incompetent to u may not be for someone else.
n is the solution to weed 'em out?nope, i dont think so. The solution or challenge is probably how to make them competent?
@Anmukt: Well, actually, I'm not so good at Hindi - esp as far as writing goes!
@splash press: Thanks! Do keep visiting.
@pavi: I agree with your first comment about "incompetence" being a relative concept. I guess this particular post should be viewed as a "personal opinions" post, if you know what I mean :)
Regarding your second comment - probably, my statement should have read "incompetence were to be weeded out" rather than "incompetent lot".
I however, do have my reservations here. Because, esp in Govt circles, you see incompetence (as I see it) deep-rooted in the very DNA. If its a 20-yr-old we are talking about, then probably we can think about making them competent. However, if it is a 45-yr-old; then I see little hope. Mind you - I am not despairing here - just stating my opinion.